Ronnie Bliss Photography

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Ronnie Bliss Photography_0019.jpgDo something Good for someone Monday.

How was your weekend? Laid back? Exciting? Busy? Boring? Glad it's over? Whatever your individual response is, let’s see if we can do something good for someone else today. We truly do have the power to make a difference in other people’s lives, no matter how small it is.

If you are new here, this an action blog with a new activity each Monday. Simple tasks that can be accomplished within minutes, or before the day is over, the choice is always yours. The idea is to take the spotlight off yourself and make someone else’s day. Be a blessing. Simple!

Today’s task? Listen. Practice active listening.

How often do we ask that simple question how are you? how's it going? what's up? In whatever format the question is asked, do we really 'hear' the response? or the hidden meaning behind the canned 'I'm fine, thanks'. Today, why not take a moment to listen. Of course not to everyone, you would not get anything accomplished. But take one, maybe two people today and ask a follow-up, allow him/her to talk and practice active listening. Let’s make a difference today, you just might be that ray of sunshine in an otherwise cloudy day.

Do Something Good. Happy Monday!

Did you do it? Well? How’d it go? Tell us all about it in the comment section.

Love the idea? Share the post. Have an idea? Share it and it just might be featured. Until next Monday…. Do something Good for someone.