Make a phone call - Say hello
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Do something Good for someone Monday.
For most people Mondays can be daunting. We would rather skip a few days and move right into the weekend. But guess what? Monday always rolls around. The goal of Do something Good for someone Monday is simply to be a blessing to someone else. Simple. Make someone's Monday.
This an action based blog. Each Monday, there will be an activity to perform. Simple tasks that can be accomplished within minutes or before the day is over, the choice is always yours. The idea is to take the spotlight off yourself and make someone else's day. Be a blessing.
Today's task. Make a phone call, say hello. Think of someone you haven't seen or heard from in a while. A few days, weeks, months, or years perhaps. Pull out your phone right now, yes, right now, scroll through the contact list, there's someone out there that would truly LOVE to hear your voice. Your mom, dad, sister, brother, friend old school room mate or colleague, that person you've been meaning to call. Brighten someone's day, start with a simple hello.
Did you make the call? Who did you call? How hard was that? Tell us all about it in the comment section.
Love the idea? Share the post. Until next Monday.... Do something Good for someone.