Ronnie Bliss Photography

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Ronnie Bliss Photography_0083.jpg Do something Good for someone this Monday.

Welcome to another beautiful week. Even more special since it's Thanksgiving week this side of the world. A double header to do something good this Monday for someone else and give thanks all week long.

Todays’ task? Tell them.

Tell anyone and everyone around you that you are truly thankful to have in your life or sphere of influence what each person mean to you. Tell your families, friends, loved ones. How you tell them is up to you, but tell them, verbalize it, communicate, let them know what they mean to you. Tell your frenemies too because without them, you wouldn't be where you are today.

Take this a step further, it's Thanksgiving week afterall, count the many blessings you're thankful for, and tell each source of that blessing. Number your challenges too, they make us strong. Think of them as the speed bump in the road that slows us down when we suddenly find ourselves running the Indy 500 without a plan, it causes us to refocus.

Make a difference today, all week long, tell someone how thankful you are to have them in your life.

Do Something Good, for someone else. Happy Monday!

Love the idea? Share the post. Have an idea? Lets hear it. Until next Monday…. Do something Good for someone.