Do something Good for someone this Monday.
How was your weekend? Rained out or did you brave the elements and rolled with it? Was yours laid back? Busy? Did you get your much-needed rest? Or are you just glad it’s over? Whatever your individual response is, let’s see if we can do something good for someone else today. We have the power to make a difference in other people’s lives, no matter how small it is.
If you are new here, this an action blog with a new activity each Monday. Simple tasks that can be accomplished within minutes, or before the day is over, the choice is always yours. The idea is to take the spotlight off yourself and make someone else’s day. Be a blessing. Simple!
Todays' task? Lunch or Dinner.
Invite someone to lunch or dinner. Nothing complicated, it could be a home cooked meal, at the corner deli, your favorite lunch joint or, a hole in the wall. The idea is to invite someone else, someone new to the table or to your already large lunch group. Today's task was inspired by one of the many things I did over the weekend. A hot bowl of soup on a rainy day was just the perfect setting to talk, share ideas, challenges and victories. A lot happens over a simple lunch or dinner. Discover one.
Let’s make a difference today, invite someone to lunch or dinner, you can even go dutch, you just might make a new friend, or be that ray of sunshine in an otherwise cloudy day. And it is a cloudy in the nation's capital today.
Do Something Good. Happy Monday!
Well? How’d it go? Tell us all about it in the comment section.
Love the idea? Share the post. Have an idea? Share it and it just might be featured. Until next Monday…. Do something Good for someone.