Ronnie Bliss Photography_0083.jpg Do something Good for someone this Monday.

Welcome to another beautiful week. Even more special since it's Thanksgiving week this side of the world. A double header to do something good this Monday for someone else and give thanks all week long.

Todays’ task? Tell them.

Tell anyone and everyone around you that you are truly thankful to have in your life or sphere of influence what each person mean to you. Tell your families, friends, loved ones. How you tell them is up to you, but tell them, verbalize it, communicate, let them know what they mean to you. Tell your frenemies too because without them, you wouldn't be where you are today.

Take this a step further, it's Thanksgiving week afterall, count the many blessings you're thankful for, and tell each source of that blessing. Number your challenges too, they make us strong. Think of them as the speed bump in the road that slows us down when we suddenly find ourselves running the Indy 500 without a plan, it causes us to refocus.

Make a difference today, all week long, tell someone how thankful you are to have them in your life.

Do Something Good, for someone else. Happy Monday!

Love the idea? Share the post. Have an idea? Lets hear it. Until next Monday…. Do something Good for someone.


Ronnie Bliss Photography_0083.jpgDo something Good for someone this Monday.

How was your weekend? Busy? Got your much-needed rest? Welcome to another beautiful week. Another opportunity to do something good, for someone else.

Todays’ task? A Prayer.

Say a prayer for a complete stranger. Throughout today, the week really, or better yet, cultivate the habit of praying for strangers. You don't need to stop, kneel, clasp your hands, close your eyes or anything like that. Just pay in your spirit, or if you like openly. Don't worry, they won't think you strange, no more than when Bluetooth just took over and folks would ask are you speaking to them? Remember then? They will think you're on the Bluetooth or talking to your imaginary friend and in this case they'd be right. But seriously, lift someone else up in prayer, the people around you needs it, the world needs it and you need it too. This is probably going the be the easiest task, however, it is also easy to forget, because life gets in the way. Afterall, we have a million other things that demand our attention like that long never ending to-do list, you should see mine. Try it, do it, pick the next person you see, no don't touch them, just saw a word of prayer, start in general, everyone needs prayer, you know it, I know it, it's settled. Depending on your level of prayer, start with something simple like peace and watch your prayer muscle grow.

If you would like to take this a step further, ask your friends if they have a prayer request. Or keep your own list of people to pray for. In writing down names or need, you are likely to pray more often.

And the reward?

Take a good look around you, see that huge tree? or any tree for that matter, when was it planted? When was it watered to give the shade it offers today? That's the reward of your prayer. You're planting seeds that will, guaranteed, to grow into a tree, metaphorically speaking of course, offer shade to you and others when you least expect it and for the benefit of hundreds, thousands and millions. In your praying for others, someone else might just be praying for you. Sometimes the answer is a 'maybe', 'not yet, or 'no' for sure, and other times it is a resounding YES! but there is always an answer.

Make a difference today. Say a prayer. Your prayer may be the missing link all along.

Do Something Good, for someone else. Happy Monday!

Love the idea? Share the post. Have an idea? Lets hear it. Until next Monday…. Do something Good for someone.


Ronnie Bliss Photography_0083.jpg Do something Good for someone this Monday.

How was your weekend? Great, I expect. It is my hope that you are enjoying the last few days of these beautiful fall colors. Today is Monday, let’s focus our attention to do something good for someone else.

Todays’ task? A Ride.

Do you have a car? And it gets around? Lucky you! Be a blessing today and offer someone a ride. Offer to take someone else in need to wherever it is that is important to them. The store, an appointment, to work, wherever. It may be out of your way or inconvenient for all you know, but what a blessing you would have been to someone else that may have had to spend hours catching the bus or worse yet, miss an important appointment because of a ride. The things we often take for granted are not always obvious to us, that's why we take it for granted in the first place. To most of us, it's part of our routine. We get in the car and go about business. Nothing to it. That simple car ride has the potential to make a big difference in someone else's day. So today, look around you, who do you know that could use a ride? A friend, acquaintance, co-worker, that elderly neighbor? Or the young one with children? The choice is yours.

Make a difference today. Offer a ride.

Do Something Good. Happy Monday!

Love the idea? Share the post. Have an idea? Let's hear it. Until next Monday…. Do something Good for someone.


Do something Good for someone this Monday.

How was your weekend? Busy? Got your much-needed rest? Now that it is over, focus our attention to do something good for someone else.

Todays’ task? Have Mercy.

Without question, you are 100% justified. Justified in dishing out whatever justice your  quarry deserves. There's only one problem, well maybe two...

Problem one. There are three sides to every coin.  Three? Yes, three!

  1. Yours
  2. The other person's, and
  3. The whole, 360 degrees undiluted truth.

Problem two. And perhaps most important... someone once showed you mercy, for some wrong you committed consciously or unconsciously.

Today, be magnanimous.

Show mercy. Simple. Okay, maybe not so simple. It can be simple if you want it to be. Make a phone call, send a text, send an email, a snail mail if you must, but show mercy to someone you have judged as undeserving today. Resolve the conflict. Release the person and be a blessing.

Make a difference today. Have Mercy! Show Mercy!

Do Something Good. Happy Monday!


Love the idea? Share the post.

Have an idea? Lets hear it.

Until next Monday…. Do something Good for someone.




Ronnie Bliss Photography_0019.jpg Do something Good for someone this Monday.

How was your weekend? Busy? Got your much-needed rest? Well, now that it is over, focus our attention to do something good for someone else.

Todays’ task? Next door.

Do you know your neighbor? No, not just the ones at home, but at the workplace, in school, the people we cross path with regularly. Do you really know them? Can you knock on their door and ask for a cup of sugar or couple of eggs. My daughter would be mortified to be the one on that errand! (I know, I know, there's no such thing anymore when you can simply order from any of the online delivery stores) and that's the whole point. We get busy with our own lives, places to go, people to see. Don't worry, I'm guilty of this one! I just met the neighbor that moved directly across from me over three months ago, and that's what prompted this post.

Today, meet a neighbor. Slow down, stop long enough to say hello. Find out something about them. Introduce yourself and what you do, if you have your elevator pitch perfected, let it roll, you'll never know what he or she does, or most importantly how we can support one another. Consider this ... what if you're the only adult conversation that neighbor had all day. Or even more seriously, you turn out to be life-line?  If nothing else, you've just met and made a new friend.

Meet the neighbor next door. Make a friend. Become a lifeline. Make a difference.

Until next Monday…. Do something Good for someone.

Love the idea? Share the post. Have an idea? Lets hear it.




Ronnie-Bliss-Photography_0019.jpg Do something Good for someone this Monday.

How was your weekend? Busy? Or did you get your much-needed rest? Well, now that it is over, focus our attention to do something good for someone else.

Are you new here? This an action blog with a new activity each Monday. Simple tasks that can be accomplished within minutes, or before the day is over, the choice is always yours. The idea is to take the spotlight off yourself and make someone else’s day. Be a blessing. Simple!

Todays’ task? Speak the truth in love.

I’m sure before day is over you’ll be presented with an opportunity to weigh in on an issue. Perhaps you observe a situation and wish to share your opinion. Today, pause for a moment and repackage that opinion with an extra dose of love. For most women, our brain processes information faster than our mouth could possibly catch up. We have laser beams that can cut through the worst crisis and come up with at least three solutions for any situation and that is just for starters. Today, resist the urge to "let it rip". While your solution or opinion may be the absolute truth, be mindful it is absolute from your vantage point. Or yours is the one and only solution, speak that truth with love. Consider how you would like to receive that package of opinion. Speak in love.

Make a difference today. Speak the truth in love. The recipient might just take that advise and thank you for being considerate after all.

Do Something Good. Happy Monday!

Love the idea? Share the post. Have an idea? Lets hear it. Until next Monday…. Do something Good for someone.


Ronnie Bliss Photography_0019.jpg Do something Good for someone this Monday.

How was your weekend? Rained out or did you brave the elements and rolled with it? Was yours laid back? Busy? Did you get your much-needed rest? Or are you just glad it’s over? Whatever your individual response is, let’s see if we can do something good for someone else today. We have the power to make a difference in other people’s lives, no matter how small it is.

If you are new here, this an action blog with a new activity each Monday. Simple tasks that can be accomplished within minutes, or before the day is over, the choice is always yours. The idea is to take the spotlight off yourself and make someone else’s day. Be a blessing. Simple!

Todays' task? Lunch or Dinner.

Invite someone to lunch or dinner. Nothing complicated, it could be a home cooked meal, at the corner deli, your favorite lunch joint or, a hole in the wall. The idea is to invite someone else, someone new to the table or to your already large lunch group. Today's task was inspired by one of the many things I did over the weekend. A hot bowl of soup on a rainy day was just the perfect setting to talk, share ideas, challenges and victories. A lot happens over a simple lunch or dinner. Discover one.

Let’s make a difference today, invite someone to lunch or dinner, you can even go dutch, you just might make a new friend, or be that ray of sunshine in an otherwise cloudy day. And it is a cloudy in the nation's capital today.

Do Something Good. Happy Monday!

Well? How’d it go? Tell us all about it in the comment section.

Love the idea? Share the post. Have an idea? Share it and it just might be featured. Until next Monday…. Do something Good for someone.